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Each Locomotive Classification is on a separate page.
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Locomotive Classifications

Steam Locomotives generally used the traditional French classification system. A steam locomotive with a 2-8-2 wheel arrangement is classified as 141 class, a locomotive with  4-6-2 wheel arrangement is classified as 231 class etc. Pretty straight forward, except what happened  if two classes had a 2-8-2 wheel arrangement I'm not sure. It didn't happen so wasn't a problem?
There is a suggestion that if two classes had the same wheel arrangement then an additional number (the first number of the road number) was used. e.g. There is reference to a 231.3 class.
But letters were also used e.g. 141 class is also known as the ZL class!.

Diesel locomotives have a completely dfferent clasification system.

All diesel classes start with the letter 'D'  (for diesel?) then a number which I believe is related to the locomotives  power output. The third character defines  Electric' (E) or hydraulic  (H).

e.g. D5H class = Diesel + 500 hp + hydraulic.

Again, what happens if two classes are the same I don't know.

I am still investigating pre 1975 classifications. Some are the same e.g. 141 steam class, and some are different e.g. 'BB' class instead of D9E. There is also reference to a CY class. Could the first letter refer to the wheel arrangement? e.g. B means B-B and C means 0-6-0?

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Railways in Vietnam website © 2009-2016 David Gurnett
Last Updated June 15, 2016
All images remain the copyright of their original owners and are reproduced purely for the purposes of research.

Please feel free to contact me at railwaysofvietnam@gmail.com