












Railways in Vietnam
Prototype Information About Railways in Vietnam

Vietnam National Railways ( DSVN)  http://www.vr.com.vn/english/index.html
The official website of Vietnam National Railways

Vietnam railways forum:  http://daumaytoaxe.com/forum/
A fan forum in both Vietnamese and English. The English side is not very popular, but if you go to the VN side and use Google Translation you'll pick up a wealth of information.

Phantasrail: http://www.phantasrail.com/vietnam.htm
Fantastic photos of DSVN locomotives by Richard Gennis

Railways in Vietnam website: http://www.railwaysinvietnam.com/
My attempt at a 'one stop shop' website for all things Vietnamese Railways. 

This website is an attempt to present a collection of information and images of trains and railways in Vietnam.

This is not the easiest task in the world as Vietnamese is not my first language (or any language for that matter) so I have to rely on English language data, and 'Google' Translations. The translations are often very odd so my apologies to those who wrote in the original Vietnamese.

Surprisingly since I started in late 2009, I've collected quite a bit of data and quite a few photos, though there are many ommissions.

I am particularly greatful to the members of the Vietnam railways Forum who knowingly or unknowingly allowed me to access their site and use material. Without the forum this site would be much poorer.

I apologize for any errors or omissions. They are all my own work.

Created with Kompozer
the Open Source Web Designer

Railways in Vietnam website © 2009-2011 David Gurnett
Last updated December 6,  2011
All images remain the copyright of their original owners and are reproduced purely for the purposes of research.

Please feel free to contact me at info@railwaysinvietnam.com